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object Static


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open override val name: String


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Concatenate with another finder.

fun contact(other: Array<Class<*>>): ClassFinder

Concatenate with another array.

Concatenate with another iterable.

Concatenate with another sequence.

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fun filter(filter: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): ClassFinder

Filter with a predicate.

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fun filterHasConstructorSignature(vararg paramTypes: Class<*>): ClassFinder
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fun filterHasFieldTypeAndCountIn(type: Class<*>, min: Int = 1, max: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): ClassFinder
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fun filterHasMethodSignature(returnType: Class<*>, vararg paramTypes: Class<*>): ClassFinder
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fun filterImplementInterfaces(vararg interfaces: Class<*>): ClassFinder
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fun filterIsSubclassOf(superclass: Class<*>): ClassFinder
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fun filterPackage(packageName: String): ClassFinder
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open fun first(): Class<*>

Get the first element or throw an exception if there is no such element.

open fun first(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>

Get the first element by condition or throw an exception if there is no such element.

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open fun firstOrNull(): Class<*>?

Get the first element or null if not found.

open fun firstOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>?

Get the first element by condition or null if not found

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fun forEach(action: (Class<*>) -> Unit)

For-each loop for.

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fun forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Class<*>) -> Unit)

For-each loop with index for.

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open fun last(): Class<*>

Get the last element or throw an exception if there is no such element.

open fun last(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>

Get the last element by condition or throw an exception if there is no such element.

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open fun lastOrNull(): Class<*>?

Get the last element or null if not found.

open fun lastOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>?

Get the last element by condition or null if not found

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fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> mapToCollection(destination: C, transform: (Class<*>) -> R): C

Map to the collection.

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fun <R> mapToHashSet(transform: (Class<*>) -> R): HashSet<R>

Map to the hashset.

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fun <R> mapToList(transform: (Class<*>) -> R): List<R>

Map to the list.

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fun <R> mapToMutableList(transform: (Class<*>) -> R): List<R>

Map to the mutable list.

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fun <R> mapToMutableSet(transform: (Class<*>) -> R): MutableSet<R>

Map to the mutable set.

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fun <R> mapToSet(transform: (Class<*>) -> R): Set<R>

Map to the set.

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fun onEach(action: (Class<*>) -> Unit): ClassFinder

On-each loop for.

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fun onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Class<*>) -> Unit): ClassFinder

On-each loop with index for.

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operator fun plus(other: BaseFinder<Class<*>, ClassFinder>): ClassFinder
operator fun plus(other: Array<Class<*>>): ClassFinder
operator fun plus(other: Iterable<Class<*>>): ClassFinder
operator fun plus(other: Sequence<Class<*>>): ClassFinder
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operator fun plusAssign(other: BaseFinder<Class<*>, ClassFinder>)
operator fun plusAssign(other: Array<Class<*>>)
operator fun plusAssign(other: Iterable<Class<*>>)
operator fun plusAssign(other: Sequence<Class<*>>)
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fun requireCount(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean, count: Int): ClassFinder
fun requireCount(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean, range: IntRange): ClassFinder
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fun requireCountOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean, count: Int): ClassFinder?
fun requireCountOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean, range: IntRange): ClassFinder?
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Check sequence only has one element.

fun requireSingle(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): ClassFinder
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Check sequence only has one element or null if not found.

fun requireSingleOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): ClassFinder?
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open fun single(): Class<*>

Get the single element or throw an exception if there is no such element or more than one element.

open fun single(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>
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open fun singleOrNull(): Class<*>?

Get the single element or null if not found.

open fun singleOrNull(condition: Class<*>.() -> Boolean): Class<*>?
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fun <C : MutableCollection<Class<*>>> toCollection(collection: C): C

Make sequence to the collection.

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Make sequence to the hashset.

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fun toList(): List<Class<*>>

Make sequence to the list.

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Make sequence to the mutable list.

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Make sequence to the mutable set.

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fun toSet(): Set<Class<*>>

Make sequence to the set.