
object ViewUtils


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Get the indices(IntRange) of the views in the view group. For for-each.

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Check the view group is empty.

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Check the view group is not empty.


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fun ViewGroup.findAllViewsByCondition(condition: (view: View) -> Boolean): List<View>

For-each the view group and find the views by condition.

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fun ViewGroup.findViewByCondition(condition: (view: View) -> Boolean): View?

For-each the view group and find the view by condition.

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fun <T : View> ViewGroup.findViewByConditionAs(condition: (view: View) -> Boolean): T?

For-each the view group and find the view by condition, and cast to the T type.

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Find view by id name

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inline fun ViewGroup.forEach(action: (view: View) -> Unit)

For-each for ViewGroup

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inline fun ViewGroup.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, view: View) -> Unit)

For-each with index for ViewGroup

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fun getIdByName(name: String, type: String = "id", ctx: Context = EzXHelper.appContext): Int

Get the id by name