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Cancel the last toast if it is still showing.

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Is print the log to xposed

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Log level filter. Will ignore all logs with level lower than this.

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open override fun d(msg: String, thr: Throwable?)
fun d(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log

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fun dx(msg: String, thr: Throwable? = null)
fun dx(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log to xposed log

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open override fun e(msg: String, thr: Throwable?)
fun e(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log

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fun ex(msg: String, thr: Throwable? = null)
fun ex(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log to xposed log

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open override fun i(msg: String, thr: Throwable?)
fun i(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log

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fun ix(msg: String, thr: Throwable? = null)
fun ix(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log to xposed log

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open override fun px(levelFilter: Int, level: String, msg: String, thr: Throwable?)

Print the log to xposed

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fun toast(msg: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

Show a toast message.

fun toast(msg: String, vararg formats: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
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open override fun w(msg: String, thr: Throwable?)
fun w(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log

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fun wx(msg: String, thr: Throwable? = null)
fun wx(thr: Throwable, msg: String = "")

Print the log to xposed log