
object ClassUtils


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fun getStaticObjectOrNull(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String): Any?

Get the static object

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fun <T> getStaticObjectOrNullAs(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String): T?

Get the static object, and trying to cast to the T type

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fun getStaticObjectOrNullUntilSuperclass(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, untilSuperClass: Class<*>.() -> Boolean? = null): Any?

Get the static object

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fun <T> getStaticObjectOrNullUntilSuperclassAs(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, untilSuperClass: Class<*>.() -> Boolean? = null): T?

Get the static object, and trying to cast to the T type

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fun invokeStaticMethod(clz: Class<*>, methodName: String, returnType: Class<*>? = null, paramTypes: ParamTypes, params: Params): Any?

Invoke the static method in the class

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fun invokeStaticMethodBestMatch(clz: Class<*>, methodName: String, returnType: Class<*>? = null, vararg params: Any?): Any?

Invoke the static method(best match params) in the class

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Check if two classes are equal or match the same primitive type

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fun loadClass(className: String, cl: ClassLoader? = null): Class<*>

Load the class or throw exception if not found

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fun loadClassOrNull(className: String, cl: ClassLoader? = null): Class<*>?

Load the class or null if not found

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fun loadFirstClass(vararg className: String): Class<*>
fun loadFirstClass(cl: ClassLoader, vararg className: String): Class<*>

Load the first exists class or throw exception all not found

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fun loadFirstClassOrNull(vararg className: String): Class<*>?
fun loadFirstClassOrNull(cl: ClassLoader, vararg className: String): Class<*>?

Load the first exists class or null

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fun newInstance(clz: Class<*>, paramTypes: ParamTypes = paramTypes(), params: Params = params()): Any

Create a new instance of the class

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fun newInstanceBestMatch(clz: Class<*>, vararg params: Any?): Any

Create a new instance of the class

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fun setStaticObject(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, value: Any?)

Set the static object

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fun setStaticObjectUntilSuperclass(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, value: Any?, untilSuperClass: Class<*>.() -> Boolean? = null)

Set the static object

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Cast class to primitive type if possible